Beautiful, clear, yellow color with delicate bubble. The bouquet reveals itself with hints of yellow fruit, a touch of grenadine and hints of toasted bread. Nice balance between fruit obtained by Chardonnay and Cabernet Franc, with the Chenin providing a delicious touch of citrus. Refreshing and nicely balanced, dry finish.
It is of course first and foremost a refined aperitif that tastes like no other with a tasty oyster, but it also pairing with a traditional goat cheese or a Saint Maure de Touraine and just as much as a digestif with a lemon tart.
- climate
The Loire here is mainly determined by a maritime climate. With warm, sunny summers and cold winters with precipitation all year round.
- soil
Soil consisting of a tuffeau the Turoon This era is named after a specific limestone that typifies a certain geological time period. The city of Tours was also named after this) which extends from the Anjou region over Saumur to Vouvray depending on whether the vineyard is covered with sandstone and granite, clay or flint.
- vinification
The wines first undergo a classic fermentation, after which once the blend has been made, they are given a 'prise de mousse' by adding the liqueur de tirage. As a result, just like champagne, they undergo a 2nd fermentation in the bottle itself. The wines remain sur lattes for about 24 months to refine their pearl.